We are the Mechanicsburg Nine 19th C. Base Ball Club. We competitively re-enact 19th century base ball in the Mid Atlantic Vintage Base Ball League.
If you have never heard of 19th Century Base Ball until now, but you truly have a heart for America's grand old game and how the game was meant to be played, then you need to come to one of our matches or practices. 19th Century “base ball”(two words in the 19th century) is best described as "a game that educates people as to the origins of our national pastime, as well as showcases the early rules and customs of the sport, which stress honor, sportsmanship, gentlemanly conduct and community pride. It is welcomed by spectators as a breath of fresh air from the commercialism and aggression of modern sports. As such, it is considered a genuine family activity. There are typically two distinct eras represented by vintage base ball clubs — Civil War era and post-Civil War. The first play by 1860s rules and the latter by 1880s rules." (Friendsofvintagebaseball.org)
We practice every Monday evening at 6 PM behind West Shore Evangelical Free Church on Williams Grove Road in Mechanicsburg. Contact Doug Pendergist at dougpend@yahoo.com for more information. By the way, don’t bring your glove – they weren't used in 1864.